Meditation Sans Frontieres - Tea and Zen is a platform dedicated to promoting a global community of individuals seeking peace, harmony, and self-discovery through advanced healing practices, meditations. Our mission is to break down geographical and cultural barriers by providing accessible resources, guided meditations, and teachings that transcend borders.

To illuminate the inherent suffering and challenges woven into sentient existence, and through intentional practices, guide towards a transformative journey of relinquishing that suffering to the profound and pervasive force of love that resides within each being. The dissemination of wisdom offered here is not derived solely from our principal Nigel Lott’s research and study but, more significantly, from personal experience—a journey marked by his own complex, profound forms of systematic trauma and abuse and its subsequent healing that continues today.

Offering psychological, emotional, somatic, and spiritual practices, along with mystical insights and stories, that promote the evolution of human consciousness, and its emerging paradigms, all aimed at facilitating transformation, healing, and lasting change, Everything at the forefront of what is achievable and understood, constantly pushing limits and rejecting any boundaries set by science, but rather seeing those boundaries that arise as a clarion call to spirit, energy. To that which can only be understood, healed by the heart, Nigel Lott our principal is a natural mystic, and shares his wisdom born from the crucible of personal struggles—a testament to the potency of authentic experience.

Nigel operates within a collaborative framework, surrounded by a dedicated team of individuals who excel in their respective fields within the realms of healing that he engages with. The group is diverse, encompassing medical doctors to a shaman, and many fields in between, yet all unite under a shared vision — the belief that the transformative power of love can heal any wounds. They collectively acknowledge a profound force, a creative energy at the core of the universe, that with courage and faith, they firmly assert that no matter the nature or form of suffering and adversity, it can be healed over time by tapping into this universal force, embracing the art of surrender and the alchemy of transcendence - our true nature.

Join Nigel on this transformative journey. Everything that's is offered here, every practice we offer is grounded in the profound wisdom derived from Nigel’s real-life experience and the enduring spirit of resilience, and is given freely to all those in need.  Nigel Lott

To bring our practices into all levels of education, prisons, rehabilitation centers, and to those experiencing sickness or need. * To support the cultivation of higher levels of consciousness and well-being. * To educate as many as possible through personal instruction and sessions, written materials, classes and trainings, and other means of media the importance and methods of these effective healing practices and techniques. * To uphold and practice loving kindness, with respect and dignity for all life and the planet. * To support research, charitable projects, and works that are in service to the relief of suffering. Nigel Lott