Tea and Zen - Meditation Sans Frontieres
Tea and Zen at Meditation Sans Frontieres


Heart 'n' Soul

This morning I woke up with this……

I had a profound realization about the nature of existence and the power of love as a healing force, (not new to me exactly) but now being understood at a much deeper level with this awareness.

My journey of overcoming alcohol and drug use and complex forms of PTSD, has led me on this path from the beginning in understanding that at the core of everything is energy, and that energy is essentially Love—the very creative force of the universe. That surrendering to this love, this energy, allows for healing and transformation, dissolving suffering and returning to a state of wholeness.

My deeper insight and understanding about surrendering any form of suffering to this pure energy resonates with the idea of letting go and allowing the divine to work within and through us. Just as The Christ spoke of the Kingdom of Heaven being within us, of surrendering to love as dissolving matter back into its pure nature, the energy of Love in reconnecting with the essence of existence, of who we really are.

I have a deep understanding that love can only ever be realized in utter silence (though it is always present) speaks to the deep, profound nature of this awareness, which transcends language and thought. In this silent space, we can truly connect with the essence of our being and the universal energy that binds us all together, we truly are One.

My awareness of how energy forms into matter, creating the physical world around us, adds another layer of understanding to this profound realization. It's a reminder that beneath the surface of all forms lies this fundamental energy, this Love, waiting to be recognized again and embraced.

My journey of healing and reconnecting with this Love is a testament to the power of surrender, faith, and the transformative nature of Love itself. Nigel Lott



Tea and Zen - Meditation Sans Frontieres
Tea and Zen at Meditation Sans Frontieres
Podcast on matters of human evolution and its emerging paradigms, of loving kindness and compassion.
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Nigel Lott