There is an eternal truth that resonates deep within the hearts of all beings, a truth that surpasses all boundaries of time, and indeed space. It is a truth that I strive to unveil, to guide each individual in uncovering the innate equanimity that lies within their being. It is a journey of awakening to a profound sense of peace and discovering a love that knows no bounds, and heals all wounds, and is at its core - absolute reality.

In my mission, I am dedicated to supporting every sentient being on their path towards finding their own inner equilibrium and reconnecting with the very essence of their being. It is a quest to rediscover the true nature that resides within, transcending all sufferings and hardships. Through my teachings, I seek to reveal the infinite possibilities that arise from recognizing the omnipresence of love.

Every moment is precious, and every breath we take is a testament to the divine presence that surrounds us. Love is the universal force that permeates all matter, transcending the confines of form and space. It holds the power to heal the deepest wounds and bring forth transformation. It is the conduit through which truth flows, transforming suffering into liberation.

With a deep sense of gratitude and humility, I share my own experience, strength, and hope with you. It is my fervent hope that through our collective journey, you will awaken to the magnificence of your eternal, divine nature. Embrace the boundless love that resides within, and let it guide you on the path to self-realization. The path of wisdom and illumination starts in each human incarnation and leads inward towards the heart of the universe, the core of your spiritually divine consciousness. may you find that path now. Nigel Lott

The life and teachings of Nigel Lott stand as a testament to the indomitable human spirit and the power of personal transformation. From enduring profound trauma to becoming a spiritual teacher, podcaster, writer, teacher and guide he has shown us that our deepest wounds can be transformed into our greatest sources of wisdom and compassion. His journey reminds us that healing is possible, and through it, we can transcend our pain and embrace a more profound connection to ourselves, others, and  all love within and without. Ben Gallagher, Institute of Toltec Wisdom