Tea and Zen - Meditation Sans Frontieres
Tea and Zen at Meditation Sans Frontieres


Permeating All and Nothing. Music: Lay Down With Me, Hanna Lingren

LOVE stands as both the enigma and the answer, rather like the core essence of quantum mechanics. It's a creative force that defies definition yet permeates every aspect of existence. In its purest form, LOVE transcends boundaries, embracing all, yet paradoxically, it exists in the very absence of boundaries, in the voids and silences that punctuate the web of life.

LOVE is omnipresent, threading its way through the fabric of the universe, binding atoms, galaxies, and souls alike. It's the cosmic glue that holds together the fragments of creation, infusing them with purpose and meaning. From the dance of subatomic particles to the majesty of celestial bodies, LOVE whispers its eternal song, reminding us of our interconnectedness.

Yet, LOVE is also the silent companion in the depths of solitude. It dwells in the spaces between thoughts, in the quiet recesses of the heart where words falter and gestures fail. It's the solace found in the embrace of silence, the comfort of being held by the infinite expanse of nothingness.

In relationships, LOVE manifests as a dance between presence and absence. It's the gaze that speaks volumes without uttering a word, the warmth of a touch that transcends physical boundaries. LOVE resides not only in the moments of togetherness but also in the spaces where two souls intersect yet remain distinct, honoring each other's autonomy and individuality.

In the end, LOVE is not confined to the realms of the tangible or the visible. It's the creative force that animates life itself, weaving its way through existence with gentle grace. To LOVE is to embrace the paradox, to dance with the infinite while rooted in the present moment, knowing that in the vast expanse of all or nothing, LOVE remains the only constant. Nigel Lott

LOVE is on every breath you take, was there before breath you took, and will be there when breath you take no more. Nigel Lott

It is in the silence within, meeting the silence without, in that space out of time that all truth (love) is found beyond even a whisper. Nigel Lott

In all existence, there can be no loss of LOVE ever, no matter what.

Tea and Zen - Meditation Sans Frontieres
Tea and Zen at Meditation Sans Frontieres
Podcast on matters of human evolution and its emerging paradigms, of loving kindness and compassion.
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Nigel Lott