Tea and Zen - Meditation Sans Frontieres
Tea and Zen at Meditation Sans Frontieres


Nigel Lott

We use words spoken and written to communicate, to share with each other our thoughts, intentions and experiences, as we sojourn together on this planet we call earth, and yet the language of the heart [love] can only be expressed from within silence.

Communication spoken or written, by its very nature takes us away from the truth at its deepest level. It separates us, in that no matter how hard we try we cannot connect heart to heart, and the one love found there. Our words will always fall short of their intended target….connecting heart to heart.

It is in the silence within meeting the silence without......in that space out of time....that all truth is to be found....beyond even a whisper.

Tea and Zen - Meditation Sans Frontieres
Tea and Zen at Meditation Sans Frontieres
Podcast on matters of human evolution and its emerging paradigms, of loving kindness and compassion.
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Nigel Lott