Tea and Zen - Meditation Sans Frontieres
Tea and Zen at Meditation Sans Frontieres



“I shall be returning Tuesday 26th…I am in the process of opening to new inspiration and content. I want to be able to serve more and expand my work with MEDITATIONSANSFRONTIERES.COM and TEAANDZEN.ORG for which this has been a platform to link into my deeper work and what I offer on my website…...teaandzen.org. I believe very strongly out of my own journey I have so much to offer that I want to share.”

For those who don’t know here is my portfolio so to speak and what I do in service, in my mission to bring light into darkness or better put to be a catalyst for the light within you and hope and pray for your awareness of it.

Bringing healing practices into all levels of education, prisons, rehabilitation centers, schools, hospitals, and to those experiencing sickness or need. Supporting the cultivation of higher levels of consciousness and well-being.

Educating as many as possible through personal instruction and sessions, written materials, classes and trainings, and other means of media the importance and methods of these effective healing practices and techniques, and to uphold and practice loving kindness and compassion with respect and dignity for all life and the planet.

In the support of research, charitable projects, and works in combining scientific research, case histories, and Nigel Lott’s own experiences and insights to present a broad perspective that empowers people to promote their own and others’ healing.

For these past 37 years, Nigel Lott has put his ability to inspire and create change in human behavior to work through education, outreach, and service, and with an unwavering commitment he has helped to nurture and heal thousands of individuals, within communities as he spreads his core message that the power of love heal all wounds, if we can only but surrender to that truth.

It is his story, the profound suffering that he experienced and the challenges largely overcome in his own recovery and healing process, that is the foundation of our work. He is also a natural-born empath who uses this ever-evolving gift to empower others in their process of healing. He is a master storyteller and accomplished meditation teacher.

Brian Donahue. IONS (Institute of Noetic Sciences.”

Taking all that behavioral, psychological, social sciences and spiritual practice have to offer to the edge and beyond. Offering those lessons and insights with you in whatever way is helpful and most heartfelt.

Charity Donation


Tea and Zen - Meditation Sans Frontieres
Tea and Zen at Meditation Sans Frontieres
Podcast on matters of human evolution and its emerging paradigms, of loving kindness and compassion.
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Nigel Lott