Tea and Zen - Meditation Sans Frontieres
Tea and Zen at Meditation Sans Frontieres
The Morning Poem

The Morning Poem

Love has befriended me so completely...Hafiz

Love has befriended me so completely it has turned to ash and freed me of every concept and image my mind has ever known. Love makes no judgments it has no preferences, it is in everyone and everything.

Do you think love is only here and not there, is in that life form and not this one? It is everywhere and in everyone and everything, no matter what a particular form takes.

There is and always will be enough love for everyone on this planet, more than enough. I would remind you, if I may, here and now of just how lovable you are and have always been. Do you understand that no matter what you do you cannot possibly be bereft of love? It is who you are, who we all are. Nigel Lott

Breath Love.

Tea and Zen - Meditation Sans Frontieres
Tea and Zen at Meditation Sans Frontieres
Podcast on matters of human evolution and its emerging paradigms, of loving kindness and compassion.