Tea and Zen - Meditation Sans Frontieres
Tea and Zen at Meditation Sans Frontieres


Part One.

We have an energy body that extends out about three inches from the skins surface and, just like any other part of our body it needs cleaning. All kinds of undesireable material from outside sources can and will glom on, infiltrate our energy body and, given a little time embed themselves within the cellular, nervous system bodies…..becoming then a part of the emotional, psychological burden we carry…..unless it is cleared out….cleaned.

Babies relate to the world prenatally and throughout their early developmental life, up to about the age of two (preverbal) by sensing the energy of the world around them on their skin, we all do that through our lives. In doing so, babies however have built in mechanisms to clear any energy that touches them, that presents other than love and moves to contaminate their energy field…the primary mechanism they use is to cry out and release, all that is not love.

If you listen close enough to a baby crying they are, in that process moving out of their system any energy that is not aligned with their true nature-love. Their cries are perfectly pitched, toned to discharge essentially any experience that has as its signature, energy that does not resonate at 528Hz, the resonance of our true, core nature, that of love.

At about the time we gain the ability to speak at around two years of age, we begin to develop cognition, in doing so a rascally fellow called ego adds itself to the mix. Its primary function becomes one of defense against all painful experience that is not of our original nature, our birthright… Love.

The ego begins to create stories, rationalizing any hurtful experience that is perceived as an afront to the human spirit, in doing so believing that ‘its dealing with the situation’ eradicating through its machinations all manner of travail….not so fast!

The ego may think its dealing with painful aspects of our lives by conjuring up stories, by wrapping them in all manner of bureaucracy, red tape, the original experience that created the pain does not go away. If anything it is further compounded by the egos function and embeds itself within the nervous system, cellular body and until the original energy that was felt, is removed as energy, it doth remain.

As time goes by those embedded states become, the forms of anger, fear….the grief of our lives. They are the energy of experience, not cried out and given back to the universe from whence they came. (anger and fear are simply other forms, names for grief, and in turn are ultimately moments where we think we are separate from our true nature, that of love……from home base, so to speak.

These embedded energy states of experience become the suffering, the trauma of our lives, that contaminate our system and manifest in time, into all manner of physical and mental disease. Crying out for expression and asking at every turn for a return to love……the love that heals all wounds that is our original nature and birthright.

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Tea and Zen - Meditation Sans Frontieres
Tea and Zen at Meditation Sans Frontieres
Podcast on matters of human evolution and its emerging paradigms, of loving kindness and compassion.
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Nigel Lott