Tea and Zen - Meditation Sans Frontieres
Tea and Zen at Meditation Sans Frontieres


Contemplation on Truth

Imagine sitting deep within the spiritual heart right below the sternum, allow yourself to be supported, so very gently by the eternal presence wherein all love resides, may you rest here and be at peace……..listen to the music.

I have spent my whole life knocking on a door searching for answers, it opens!….I have been knocking from the inside….Rumi

We spend our whole lives looking outside of ourselves to find ourselves, to re-unite out of our seeming separateness and come to find, that in truth we have been here all along at every level, nothing was ever missing.

Love never left us, God never left us, and any experience to the contrary, can only ever be an illusion appearing real.

We are the love we have been looking for all our lives and its been right here deep inside the spiritual heart just below the sternum, beyond that ache and yearning all along.

And, in the end as it is in the beginning it has never been about seeking, but receiving the awareness of that great truth, may you receive it now.

So go stand in front of a mirror and greet yourself by your true name.

Hello Love


Tea and Zen - Meditation Sans Frontieres
Tea and Zen at Meditation Sans Frontieres
Podcast on matters of human evolution and its emerging paradigms, of loving kindness and compassion.