Tea and Zen - Meditation Sans Frontieres
Tea and Zen at Meditation Sans Frontieres


Fare Thee Well

Dear Bob,

Alison shared with me the playlist from your farewell gig at The Bell and Crown. I'm deeply moved by the memories it holds and would like to contribute a song to it.

One evening in the late 70’s after our regular visit to The Prince Albert, we returned to your flat to unwind with music, a cherished ritual. It was on this night that you introduced me to Van Morrison's album 'Veedon Fleece' and played the track 'Come Here My Love'.

Fast forward to July 10th, 1997, the day my daughter Lily entered the world. I prepared a playlist for the birthing room, including 'Come Here My Love'. Miraculously, at 3:15 pm, just as Lily arrived, the song began playing, as if it were destined, no doubt it was.

Your essence, the Love that defined you in this life, remains eternal. Music was your language of Love, and I'm deeply grateful for the gift of 'Come Here My Love', which became the entrance melody to Lily's life.

You'll forever be in my heart Bob, for whatever is held most sacred in our heart once, is forever held there, once sacred forever sacred.


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Tea and Zen - Meditation Sans Frontieres
Tea and Zen at Meditation Sans Frontieres
Podcast on matters of human evolution and its emerging paradigms, of loving kindness and compassion.
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